The Perfect Match
~ Author Unknown ~

Grandma lived several miles away in a much bigger city. Shortly after arriving at Grandma's house, Johnny's mother said "Johnny would you like to walk to the pet store to look at the puppies." Johnny proudly walked down to Main Street where the pet store was located. As he approached the store he could see several puppies bobbing up and down in the big store window. As he entered the story four puppies huddled together in the display area and began to jump up and down when Johnny came near.
Johnny introduced himself to the store owners and explained why he was there. He asked if it would be alright to hold some of the puppies; they agreed. While playing with the four puppies he noticed a fifth one all alone curled up in the far corner and asked the owners if that puppy was from the same litter?
The lady responded he was but that he was not for sale. "How come?" Johnny asked. "That puppy was born with a bad hip socket" she said "and one of his back legs doesn't work that well. "Wow" Johnny said "What will you do with him?" "Well tomorrow my husband will take him to the vet and have him put to sleep".
Johnny asked if he could hold that 5th puppy and the lady nodded yes. Instantly the puppy responded to Johnny's touch with several big licks and they became friends. "This is the puppy for me, this is the puppy I want to buy" Johnny said. The pet store owners reminded Johnny that that puppy was not for sale; however Johnny insisted that this was the puppy he wanted to buy.
As Johnny turned to walk out the door he said, "I'll go home and get the money and be right back". The wife said "I don't understand why do you want this puppy when you could get one that is perfect and won't cause you any trouble."
Without saying a word Johnny lifted his left trouser leg and exposed a large steel brace running up the length of his leg. The owners looked at each other in silence and finally the husband spoke "Son you don't need to go get any money we’d like you to have that puppy."
Note: In addition to writing my own blogs
/ stories, I also like to search for stories and other inspiring / motivating /
encouraging things from around the World Wide Web. If you see an article or
story that you have written and want it removed, please feel free to let me
know. I do try to give credit to the people and/or web sites that I find the
information when I can.
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