Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's Smile

Let Us Smile
~BY Clairep75
As I looked everywhere for some good news to give to you, I remembered one amazing picture I saw on December 1st.
I am sure you have seen it too: the sky smiling at us down on Earth. Since I was not fortunate enough to see it myself nor take the picture, either because I was on the wrong side of the planet or on the wrong side of the clouds ^_^
found out however that the sky was having a little bit of fun quite regularly as I opened my e-mail this morning... indeed, I was sent a phenomenal... yet another one... photograph that comes from Mighty Optical Illusions. The sky sure likes to smile a lot, but to whom I wonder?
Well, if you want my thoughts on that, let me share them with you.
It could be addressed to anyone who takes the time to look up and appreciate every little bit of scenery that our wonderful planet is offering us, a sort of thankful greeting, if you will...

On the other hand, those who forgot how to look might need a wake-up call now and then... What about those who don't know how to take the time, or who just cannot manage to see further than the tip of their nose, in their cases, it might even be a little bit of mocking from the sky.

All in all, it is good to remember that we are not necessarily the best creation on this planet... and it might be highly time for many to consider the beauty of our home! So, admire every color around you and if you haven't seen Wall-E, just hurry up, you might learn a thing or two.

So let us smile back to the sky shall we... ^_^
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Live. Laugh. Love

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